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Blue Grit Radio: My Podcast

Life is... busy. Isn't it always?

How're things? -Good. Fine. Not bad.

This used to be normal, but at my work, in my circles it's actually shifted into:

How're things? -Busy. Crazy. Oh- you know.. eye rolls.

Is it the times, or is it just how things go mid-career in your late 30s?

In any case, the point is that I started a podcast! Some of you may have checked it out or are avid listeners (respect!) Where I have started that new prong of Blue Grit- to reach more people in a different way and convey ideas in another modality- I put this one on the back-burner.

They say "print is dead." Is written language dead as well? Short videos through whatever app seem to be a good way to blast people with interesting content, but in the heart of being substantive and meaningful- even impactful- I don't know how to hit it better than through storytelling.

That can be in writing.. that can be vocally.

So with that, this post is dual-purpose. To get back on this blog AND highlight Blue Grit Radio (with links below)! I've been diving into things health, recruiting for police, and even have some of my features on other podcasts!

Like everything internet and social media, please share it out with your people: friends, fam, coworkers. Shares, likes, comments, high ratings help visibility to get the message out to more people.

As always, let me know what you think by sending a message through @bluegritwellness on IG or .

Enjoy, take care and check out below:

Spotify (search it on your app!)

1 Comment

May 26, 2023

Hi. I want to ask a technical question. Which app is better for podcasts to use? Is Movavi Screen Recorder suitable for these purposes?

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