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Is This Serving Me?

We all know about goals. I venture that you tuning into my page, IG, podcast, and this newsletter indicates you are self-initiated, determined and introspective to be working on developing the best version of yourself.

So when we hit a crossroads with options, decisions, temptations, opportunities- what do we do?  How do we decide our choices?

Ultimately, I have been exercising the thought of: “Does this serve me? Does this serve my goals, purpose, Mission?”  We all need a mission, and though not all things fit neatly in or outside of that, many things do.

First example- recently, I got home from working a bit later than my early bird body likes these days. However, I do it now and then since I need to see my grave crew and sergeants for actual face time. When I got home, I was cold, exhausted, and “hungry.”  I put it in quotes because I wasn’t actually hungry- I just was stressed, tired, and wanted to self-soothe with food. Thus, I hit the pantry and started munching.  Started feeling mindless about it.  Then I started doom scrolling to accompany my snacking- that’s a slippery slope for me!

Although I should have/could have gone to bed from the jump- I paused and realized what would SERVE me was doing just that. Not taking in useless calories but giving my body what it really needed- actual sleep.  The goal is to pause, recognize, and alter course without blame or shame.

Second example, in the past couple months, I was offered an opportunity to join a rapidly growing company to help teach and train cops to recruit across the nation.  Impact and influence are big drivers for me, and I not only was humbled by the invitation, but started getting enticed by the potential to really help cops at scale- to take my learnings and help agencies all over get staffed up- thus helping build safer teams and communities.  

After weeks of weighing and considering, learning more, I came to the realization that it was not going to serve me, at least not my larger framework of purpose, time, attention and intention.  With a young daughter and already variably (high) career demands, new Blue Grit projects and endeavors, my time at and around home is so precious. 

I couldn’t justify the time/compensation/value to my family calculation.  I passed on the gig, and knew immediately it was the right thing.

Whether it’s a bag of plantain chips or a work opportunity- running it by a simple prompt can help you iron out your simple (or complex) decisions.

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Take care, please share :) and stay gritty!

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