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Best Podcasts for Police Officers and First Responders

If you know me, you know I am and have been an avid fan of podcasts. I have an active mind, so listening to content, lessons, data, and ideas are very satisfying for me when I'm driving, walking the dogs, working out or even running errands sometimes.

I've been listening to a host of health and wellness-related podcasts for YEARS- long before everyone (including me!) had one. Often, I am asked by listeners where they should go for more great information to help them develop for or in the policing career.

Here are my top picks!

Behind the Shield

James Geering is a retired firefighter (and stuntman and all-around badass). His project mixes constructive positivity and real talk- all surrounding how we can be better and do better for first responders.

The Collective

Shaun Taylor and Chance Burles (Canadian Forces vets) are absolute advocates for military and first responders- providing information, insight, and introspection from the True North! They offer a deep dive into all topics pertaining toward bettering ourselves and each other- for the betterment of "The Collective!" Caution: my several appearances have left me with brain amply stretched and melted.

The Police Applicant Podcast

Ken Roybal, retired LAPD background investigator, runs a fantastic project and resource geared toward those looking to come into the police career- but many more find the engaging conversations and stay! Ken was my first appearance on any podcast, helping me and my recruiter, Brian, talk about the dynamics of recruiting and highlights our department and culture. It, in many ways, was the start of Blue Grit Radio. I've been fortunate to return as well!

Find it here or listen to my first appearance on ANY pod here

Things Police See

Steve Gould is an active LEO out east and highlights law enforcement personnel, their backgrounds, and stories (touching, gripping, hilarious). It is a show that offers insight to the realness of the job and the unreal "you can't make this up" moments.

My appearances: Ep. 141 and Ep. 201

Blue Grit Radio HERE !!!

Ok, shocker, but we should all be proud of our work! It's not just about me but truly the range of world-class experts in the police industry, as well as other first responders, military, healthcare and wellness and beyond!

If you haven't checked it out, you're truly missing out!

Check it out, and please subscribe and leave a 5 star review to help more cops and first responders! (And do the same for the other shows!)

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