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For those who are done wasting time through guesswork at the long, tedious police hiring process.  Testing over and over isn't just a LOT of time, but it's stress, money, managing schedules, and it can hurt how you are perceived as a candidate through testing history.  


This guide is intended to help you save time, energy, stress and hassle.  There are no cheat-codes, you will have to do the work and prep- but I will show you exactly where and how to apply that focus.


This resource covers every facet of common hiring steps- explaining what they are, their purpose, and how you can best prepare and excel in the different stages of the game. From the written, to physical, the ranges in interview considerations and insights, background, polygraph, psych and even medical.

The info and lessons with my personal anecdote and experiences from both sides of the table, dozens of times, spanning what would take hours of instruction and hundreds of dollars of coaching, distilled to about 30 pages in an easy to follow PDF.

I cover HOW to be successful and SHOW up not only to rock the process, but set the stage for a successful law enforcement career- rooted in professionalism, self-development, robust mindset, critical thinking and introspection, and an intro to wellness as a lifestyle decision.


"This is great stuff!! Money well spent by any applicant."


- LT. Vanderveer, WA State, Police Hiring Unit


"This is a great guide and not only covers the basics but gives some insight into the process. I know that you covered things to put any applicant in a great position to do well in the entire process.


The little things that trip people up are covered by you. With the guidance of your guide, I could see more quality people shining in the beginning of the process and this could limit the shotgun approach that causes people to lateral early and often."


-Commander Cristian Adams, WA State, Hiring Command Staff


"Just finished reading the guide and will keep going back to it again and again. It's so very well designed with details on each and every step... It answered so many of my questions and took away the exam anxiety a little bit."


P.K. (police applicant)


Blue Grit Police Testing & Hiring Guide

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